Sunday, May 18, 2014

Learn to Love Yourself

Isabelle wears what makes her happy no matter what anyone thinks!

Self love is something that I struggle with often. I focus more on my flaws then I do on the positives. A lot of times when I look in the mirror, I do not see a girl, but a monster. I see fatness and ugliness, a weird voice and messed up thoughts. I don't see creative and pretty. Sometimes I hate going out because the thought of people looking at me makes me want to cry. But who cares what they think!!

Yet I preach often that everyone, no matter what, is beautiful and everyone should love themselves. So why do I exclude myself??

I keep thinking once I lose X amount of weight, I'll be happy with myself. But if I'm not happy with myself now, will I really be happy then? Won't I just keep focusing on the flaws, still?

I am trying. I am trying to love myself the way I am. I don't know where this self hatred stems from, but I want to CRUSH it. So, I wrote down some self love thoughts and quotes that I am trying to live by; hopefully some of them will help you as well!

Take care of yourself. Eat something healthy, hydrate yourself, take a bubble bath.

Do more of what makes you happy - gaming, drawing, etc.

Would you say the same things you're saying about yourself to another person? No? Then why is it okay to say these things to yourself?

Every day is a new opportunity.

You say "Everyone is beautiful," this means YOU are beautiful!

Life is NOT a competition.

Chill out.

Celebrate every victory, big or small.

Forgive yourself.

It's OKAY to like - even love - yourself!

Face your inner and outer obstacles.

The past is the past for a reason.

Accept where you are right now.

Practice the love you aspire to receive

"The lies you believe are what keep you from embracing the beauty you've beheld this whole time"

"There is this nagging voice in my head that tells me I can't but I think I'll hold on a little longer and prove it wrong."

You are not your mistakes or faults.

You have nothing to prove.

Start TODAY. Not when you lose weight, not when you acquire X, NOW.

Focus on what you have, not what you lack.

Believe you are the best you. It's true!

Dress, act, and do what you like (as long as it's not hurting others!) no matter what anyone thinks.

I hope some of these, you take to heart and write them down somewhere, keep it, and read it often. I have mine in my journal, bookmarked so I can turn to it every morning and read these things. The journey to loving yourself does not happen overnight and I'm sure I'll be making another post on this subject at a later time as I face my own self loathing. But bit by bit, I hope both you and I can learn to love ourselves no matter what size we are and no matter where we are in life and be happy every day.

Selfie from a few days ago. I give you all hugs and kisses! 

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